Summer Camp Update

The August 4-8, 2014 “Karate and More” summer camp will now be held in the Towson Merritt Athletic Club…the kids from the June camp requested it, so we changed it!  We already have 8 children signed up and I just made the announcement on Monday…

The morning portion of the camp focuses on karate techniques, meditation, arts and crafts, plus the children work with and learn about the various weapons utilized in the traditional martial arts.  In the afternoon, we work on sports conditioning and endurance, plus we dedicate time for the outdoor pool (weather permitting).  The kids have a great time, and they are tired when they get home.  One of the parents sent me this picture of her daughter, stating “she slept like this for hours!  Thank you for giving her a wonderful time this week.”

Who wants the #1 camp of the summer…your kids do!

Please sign up quickly, as we anticipate filling up.  Just give me a call 410-499-2476 or click on this link to sign up.