Adult Classes – Work On Yourself While You Wait

At Pamfilis Karate Academy we know that sometimes the toughest job in the world is being a parent. Between pick-ups, drop-offs, homework and all the extra-curricular activities, it’s hard to make time for yourself. That’s why we are currently offering a unique opportunity to parents to work on their mind, body and spirit. We invite you to enjoy 1 month of free training in our Seido karate method while you wait for your child to finish their own classes. This is your chance to not only take part in a one of a kind fitness class, but to share something special with your child.

Seido aims to help students develop strong bodies which will in turn translate to better health and well-being. That’s something everyone can benefit from, especially parents. Beyond that karate is a great way to increase your strength and flexibility. And it can also be a serious cardio workout! It’s truly one of best ways to spend an hour of your day.

On top of all these health benefits, taking Seido may help you forge a deeper bond with your youngster. As children get older parents often struggle to find ways to stay connected with them. Sharing a common interest is the perfect way to bond with your son or daughter.

Additionally our dojo offers a wide variety of adult classes to help you continue with your journey even after the month is over. So why not give it a try? We think you’ll like the results. Give us a call today to get started! FREE MONTH of training!

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at