August Classes

Classes for children, green belts and above, and adults begins at 5:45 p.m. and runs through 7:15 p.m. in August. There will be a promotion for adults and eligible children, on August 20th during normal class time (however, the time may run past 7:15 p.m.).

Summer Schedule Reminder

Classes are on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:45-6:45 p.m. We are also offering classes on Saturday mornings at the Canton location of Merritt from 10-11 am. Students who are green belt and above will be doing their fighting from 6:45-7:15p.m. on Monday evenings over the summer. Green belts and above will still be training in the month of August from 6:45-8 p.m.

Late May updates!

We hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • New pictures from the promotion on May 23rd at the Towson Merritt are posted in the gallery!
  • There will be no adult class this coming Friday, June 1st as Kyoshi Karen will be in NY for black belt promotion and clinic.
  • The last day of classes for Federal Hill Prep will be next Wednesday, June 6th beginning at 3:30 p.m.
  • There are still a few more spots available for the Towson Merritt week long summer camp!

Kyoshi and New Blue Belts!

Summer Classes and other news!

  1. We will be holding a 6-week Summer Session at the Towson Merritt beginning June 23rd and running through July 28th. Click here for the flyer.
  2. Promotions at Merritt Towson will be held on Monday, May 21 from 5-6 p.m. for all 4-8 year olds and on Wednesday, May 23rd from 6-7:30 p.m. for all 9-15 year olds. An application can be downloaded from the Resources page. Check to see if your child is on the promotion candidates list.
  3. We started a mini-session at Federal Hill Prep last Wednesday, May 9, which will run through June 6th. This Weds. class (May 16th) is being held from 11:30-12:30 due to their early dismissal from school.
  4. The final day for the 10-week session at the Canton Merritt will be held this Saturday, May 19th from 10-11 am. The children will receive their new belts and break a piece of wood.
  5. The final day for the St. Paul’s Lower School will be held on Thursday, May 24th from 3:30-4:30 p.m. we hope that all parents will be able to attend to see the demonstration from the children and to see their child break a piece of wood.
  6. No 12:30 p.m. Friday class at the Towson Merritt this week, May 18th.
  7. Black Belt Clinic weekend: June 1-3rd and Children’s Seido Tournament, Saturday, June 9th in NYC.

News for April, 2012

We had another great session at St. John’s!  The entire group (24 students) promoted to the next belt level on March 29th, 2012  We are offering a half day camp at this facility the week of June 18-22nd!

March 26th promotion candidate group, peewee's and juniors. See the gallery for more promotion pictures.

Check out the gallery for all the latest photos!

1.  The full day Towson Merritt camp is nearly filled, so if you are interested, you need to sign up quickly.  There is still availability in the other camps as well. 
2.  The Towson Merritt May promotion will be held on Monday, May 21st and Wednesday, May 23rd, the candidates list will be posted soon. 
3.  We have another off-site program beginning this Thursday, April 19th at St. Paul’s Lower School with their after-school program.  A registration form can be accessed here
4.  Federal Hill Prep has asked us to return for a another session, which will run May 9th through June 6th. A registration form can be accessed here.
5.  We will be holding Bushido Club and  Weapons Club next Weds., April 25th from 5:45 – 6:45 pm. in the big group aerobics room (for all brown belt students and above).

Kaicho’s 70th Birthday Present

This was our Dojo gift to Kaicho which Sensei Tom made for him! The Hayashi family made the tile which is on the front of the planter. Kaicho loved them and they really were a wonderful addition to Johshin Honzan! They say “welcome” to the front entryway!