Kick it Up a Notch with a Karate Birthday Party

Is your child looking for an awesome place to have a birthday? He or she tired of the run of the mill birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese? Well, then why not try a Karate Birthday Party?

What on Earth is a karate birthday party you ask?  Karate birthday parties are parties that feature all the fun of a normal birthday party, but spiced up with fun karate themed activities! It’s a great way to get your kids invloved in something new and allow everyone to, child or parent, to have some fun.

So, what kind of kick butt activities can you expect from a karate birthday party? Well, of course, we feature a lot of fun karate themed activities that try to get the whole group (that means you too parents) involved in practicing karate. From your standard kicks to punches and maybe a few special moves thrown in as well.

Of course, it should be noted, nothing dangerous will ever be attempted at these parties. We’re not going to give your child a samurai sword and tell him to reenact his favorite cartoon fight. All activites are safe and will be monitored by adult supervision.

And what would a party be without cake? After all activities are done and everyone is ready to settle down, there will be time for cake and a chance for everyone to relax.

If this sounds like the right fit for your child’s birthday party, then stop on by our webpage and contact us today!

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at