Dads in the Dojo – Train for FREE for one month!

Reach your goals and get into the best shape of your life.

In June, dads of our students are invited to train FREE for one month*, when you start by June 30!

We’re also having a contest: Mom’s on the Mat vs. Dad’s in the Dojo. Which group will have more folks try out a class? Mom’s or Dad’s? Help us answer the age old question – who’s the stronger and more brave group: Moms or Dads?! Participate in class, get your name on our board and you will automatically be entered to win a FREE group lunch with you, the children and me. The group that has more participants for the month wins the FREE lunch.

*New students only

Kinder Kicks 5 Week Spring Special – $59

Pamfilis Karate Academy is excited to offer a great Kinder Kicks Spring Special… 5 Weeks of classes for only $59!

Days: Tuesdays
Dates: May 16 – June 23
Time: 11:15am – 12:00pm
Location: Merritt Athletic Club – Towson

Kinder Kicks is a program developed for parents and children to exercise, learn and play with a martial arts flair. Children develop perseverance, self-control, courage and respect through fun fitness curriculum with their parents.

Click here to register for the special:

Mom’s Train for FREE in May

In celebration of Mother’s Day:
Sign-up before May 31st and you can train for FREE for one month at Pamfilis Karate Academy. Complete four classes and earn your pink belt!

We’re also having a contest: Mom’s on the Mat vs. Dad’s in the Dojo. Which group will have more folks try out a class? Mom’s or Dad’s? Help us answer the age old question – who’s the stronger and more brave group: Moms or Dads?! Participate in class, get your name on our board and you will automatically be entered to win a FREE group lunch with you, the children and me. The group that has more participants for the month wins the FREE lunch.

Youth Anti-Bullying Seminar – April 28th


Date: Friday, April 28th
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm
Location: Merritt Athletic Club – Towson
Age: 9 – 15
Cost: FREE! And bring a friend!

Research shows that bullying peaks in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades. The purpose of this seminar is to help youth overcome the negative impact of bullying and minimize the effects of predatory behavior. We will teach participants awareness, avoidance and assertiveness through role-playing, small group discussions and empathy training.

Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, April 26th
Click here to register online

Spring Karate Special

Spring has sprung!

We are offering a Spring Special:
$49.95 for one month of training*

Offer good until April 27th.

So put a little kick in your step and get ready for the summer!

Karate is beneficial in many ways, including sports conditioning, improving focus, stamina and confidence.

Register before April 27th and receive a free uniform!

Click here to register.

*New students only

2017 Inter-Dojo Children’s Tournament

Date: Saturday, May 13
Time: 2 – 5pm
Location: Towson Merritt

Events include: kata, point fighting and and technique shiai.
Demonstrations by the Leadership Team and black belts.

Open to all belts, ages 4 – 15

Register here
Registration deadline: May 3rd
Registration fee: $35 for 1 or 2 events

Spectator info and fees:
The first two spectators are included in purchase price.
Children 6 and under are FREE.
$5 per, spectator fee.
$10 family fee (2 or more spectators).

Green Hair Buddy Day – Saturday March 11

Green Hair Buddy Day

When: Saturday March 11th – during regular class hours – click here to see schedule

Where: Merritt White Marsh – Multi-purpose Room

Cost: FREE!

Click here to register for this event
Note: – You must register both the student attending as well as their guest.

Bring your friend and be a teacher for a day. Have fun, play games and break wood!

To be silly and fun, we’d like you all to wear some kind of green “hair”. Be fun, be creative, but please don’t use any hair coloring or sprays.

Early Summer Camp Registration

Summer is almost here… don’t we wish! Now is the time to think about signing up for Summer Camp at Pamfilis Karate Academy.

If you register before March 31, you will receive a 20% discount on the registration cost.
Click here to download the registration form.

For more information see our Summer Camp page.

Children work on learning the basic techniques of the traditional Japanese-style of martial arts, Seido Karate. Each morning the students will start their day with a bit of quiet meditation. Then they will practice blocks, kicks and punches. Next, they will work on practical self-defense and explore the weapons of traditional martial arts.

In the afternoon, we will focus on sports conditioning and endurance training. A portion of the time will be dedicated to drills and games that work to improve motor skills. And of course we’ll spend some time in the outdoor pool.

Finally, classes will include artistic and educational components to make a well-rounded experience for the children.

Here are the dates and themes of the camps:

Dates Theme
June 26 – 30
July 10 – 14
July 24 – 28
August 7 – 11
Lego Ninjago
Marvel Superheros
Kubo and 2 Strings
Star Wars