Respect, love and obedience…and fish.

Everything you do, all that you are, is based on acceptance and peace. To experience these things, we have to become aware of our relationships. In a simple social experiment, two test groups were made to examine a fish tank and talk about it. The first group was comprised of all Americans. The second group was from Japan. When the Americans spoke about what they saw, they described, in great detail, the fish. When the Japanese spoke, they not only described the fish, but they spoke about the relationship between the fish, the water, the tank, even the surrounding environment. They saw the entire picture.

When you look at yourself and do things only to please yourself, you’re staring at the fish. When you put your love and energy into others, you experience life on a greater scale. As people around you feel that you respect how they feel, they give you more respect than you can give yourself. The same rule applies to obedience. By taking the focus off of yourself you have served two people. You have served the other person, AND you have served yourself.

Embodying this lesson will allow you to experience relationships that are always beneficial. It will allow you to experience it at home, school, and work. It will allow your kids to experience it with family or with new kids at the play ground. The reach that love and respect have are simply uncanny. Take time to learn how to show just a little respect to those you know once a day. You’ll have a much greater impact that you could possibly think.

Our summer programs are available now!

1-week long summer day camps for children ages 6-15, full-day with a half-day option. (Enjoy arts and crafts, sports conditioning, meditation, children’s self-defense, anti-bullying information, and of course, traditional karate.)

The full-day option is ideal for working parents, and the half-day is great for parents on a budget or for younger children.

Merritt members: $300 full day, $175 half day.

Non-Merritt members: $325 full day, $200 half day.

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

3 Benefits Of Adult Martial Arts

Do you have a child who takes Karate classes with us? If you do, we’d like to encourage you to participate in adult martial arts. Our adult Karate classes will do so much more for you than simply help you pass the time while you wait for your child’s class to be over. While there are actually hundreds of benefits you’ll experience when you take a Karate class, today we’d like to focus on just three of them.

Mental Benefits

The psychological benefits of martial arts classes are vast, and they are a major reason many of our adult students take classes. In addition to providing you with increased focus in many different areas of your life, you’ll also learn more confidence as your reality begins to reshape itself. Many students are a little bit timid at first, and they’re not completely sure about putting their hearts into the class and applying what they’re learning. However, those feelings of fear soon fade away, and the result is a more open and more calm mind.

Lessons in Discipline

Discipline is one of the cornerstones of martial arts. If we were to be honest, we’d admit that we can all use an extra dose of discipline in our lives. Karate reinforces that in the classroom, and you’ll also find that it spills out into your daily life as well. Along with discipline, respect for yourself, your instructor, and everyone around you is greatly reinforced. The fact is, discipline isn’t just for our kids. As adults, it gives us the extra focus we need in our daily lives to accomplish our goals.

Physical Fitness

It can be difficult for a parent to find time to work out. Gym memberships are often expensive, and actually getting to the gym can be a challenge. If you’re like many parents, you’ve promised yourself over and over again to begin getting some form of exercise. However, weeks go by without those promises getting fulfilled. By taking Karate, you’ll enjoy all of the benefits of a well-rounded workout. You’ll experience cardio as well as strength training and toning. You’ll also find that you grow stronger because Karate will teach you how to maximize the use of your growing strength.

Are you ready to make some positive changes in your life? If your child participates in Karate classes, we’d invite you to participate in an adult class as well. If you’re still not sure, we’re offering a one-month trial for parents, free of charge. We’re convinced that you’ll quickly see the benefits of Karate and once the month is over, you’ll be eager to continue.

Contact us today! For more information or register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at