Building self-discipline with karate in both childhood and adulthood

Self-discipline is a quality that many times seems to elude us.  Even as responsible adults, we find ourselves using our time inefficiently, setting goals and forgetting about them, and avoiding what we have to do because it’s boring or slightly unpleasant.

Think about how much harder self-discipline is for kids, whose brains are still developing.  They’re just starting to learn how to organize their lives on their own and concentrate on completing tasks that may not thrill them, such as a long homework assignment or the small chores they’re assigned to do around the house.  Many of our own issues with self-discipline can be traced back to when we were kids and teenagers; the bad habits we cultivated in our younger years often stay with us as adults.

Why is it important to build self-discipline?

With self-discipline comes self-respect.  We become more effective in the world, we accomplish more, and we’re able to tolerate more boredom and discomfort.  Self-discipline can also save us from damaging choices; with greater self-discipline, we tend not to act without thinking first, and we’re capable of making better decisions about our physical and mental health.  So much of success in life, including school and work, stems from persistence; without the self-discipline to sit down and stick with a task, it doesn’t matter how smart we are, because we won’t accomplish much.

How does karate help develop self-discipline?

  • Different research studies (such as this one) provide evidence that many children, even those who struggle with medical issues, experience improvement in an array of qualities such as cognitive functioning and confidence after taking a course in karate.  Improving physical and mental health lays the groundwork for greater self-discipline as well; it’s easier to persist and stick to goals when you believe in yourself and feel stronger.
  • Karate teaches patience and persistence. Both kids and adults see that results don’t happen overnight, but only after weeks of training, with repeated practice.
  • In karate, students will make a lot of mistakes, but will also realize that mistakes are just a part of learning. Sometimes people procrastinate and lack self-discipline because they fear failure deep inside; by emphasizing that failure is necessary and expected, instead of something to be embarrassed about, karate can teach people to fear failure less.
  • Because karate can provide measurable goals, students have a clearer idea of what they’re working towards, and can better set goals in their own lives.
  • The instructors are inspiring role models who demonstrate self-discipline throughout the class.

Taking a course in karate then may not only improve your physical fitness, it will also make you mentally stronger and tougher, more willing to fight for your goals and persist in the face of hardship.

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

Cardio Exercise Can Help With Self Defense

When it comes to protecting yourself, you can leave nothing to chance.  Whether you want to take self defense classes, learn karate or some other type of martial art, you have to be in good shape.  This is why beginning cardio exercises on a regular basis is a smart and fun way to get back into, or stay, in shape.  Whether you want to go on a jog, ride a bike or take part in a fun game, developing a cardio routine is important.


A fun thing to do all by yourself, jogging or running is a great way to get your cardio strong.  It can be difficult to commit to in the beginning, but you will eventually see the results and payoff.


Biking is another fun thing to do on your own, but can be more effective with a partner.  With biking, having someone around to keep you motivated is great incentive to get in shape.  You can also enter yourself in biking competitions to help get your speed up and better than ever!

Participation In Games

Lastly, getting involved in fun sporting events is also a great way to get in better shape.  This could mean a weekly pick up basketball game, a flag football league or anything in between.  Being involved in one can help your cardio as well as your sportsmanship.

In the end, having good cardio can help you in all walks of life.  This includes getting your karate skills polished and ready to go.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

Respect, love and obedience…and fish.

Everything you do, all that you are, is based on acceptance and peace. To experience these things, we have to become aware of our relationships. In a simple social experiment, two test groups were made to examine a fish tank and talk about it. The first group was comprised of all Americans. The second group was from Japan. When the Americans spoke about what they saw, they described, in great detail, the fish. When the Japanese spoke, they not only described the fish, but they spoke about the relationship between the fish, the water, the tank, even the surrounding environment. They saw the entire picture.

When you look at yourself and do things only to please yourself, you’re staring at the fish. When you put your love and energy into others, you experience life on a greater scale. As people around you feel that you respect how they feel, they give you more respect than you can give yourself. The same rule applies to obedience. By taking the focus off of yourself you have served two people. You have served the other person, AND you have served yourself.

Embodying this lesson will allow you to experience relationships that are always beneficial. It will allow you to experience it at home, school, and work. It will allow your kids to experience it with family or with new kids at the play ground. The reach that love and respect have are simply uncanny. Take time to learn how to show just a little respect to those you know once a day. You’ll have a much greater impact that you could possibly think.

Our summer programs are available now!

1-week long summer day camps for children ages 6-15, full-day with a half-day option. (Enjoy arts and crafts, sports conditioning, meditation, children’s self-defense, anti-bullying information, and of course, traditional karate.)

The full-day option is ideal for working parents, and the half-day is great for parents on a budget or for younger children.

Merritt members: $300 full day, $175 half day.

Non-Merritt members: $325 full day, $200 half day.

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

Adult Classes – Work On Yourself While You Wait

At Pamfilis Karate Academy we know that sometimes the toughest job in the world is being a parent. Between pick-ups, drop-offs, homework and all the extra-curricular activities, it’s hard to make time for yourself. That’s why we are currently offering a unique opportunity to parents to work on their mind, body and spirit. We invite you to enjoy 1 month of free training in our Seido karate method while you wait for your child to finish their own classes. This is your chance to not only take part in a one of a kind fitness class, but to share something special with your child.

Seido aims to help students develop strong bodies which will in turn translate to better health and well-being. That’s something everyone can benefit from, especially parents. Beyond that karate is a great way to increase your strength and flexibility. And it can also be a serious cardio workout! It’s truly one of best ways to spend an hour of your day.

On top of all these health benefits, taking Seido may help you forge a deeper bond with your youngster. As children get older parents often struggle to find ways to stay connected with them. Sharing a common interest is the perfect way to bond with your son or daughter.

Additionally our dojo offers a wide variety of adult classes to help you continue with your journey even after the month is over. So why not give it a try? We think you’ll like the results. Give us a call today to get started! FREE MONTH of training!

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

How To Properly Place Promotion Patches/Stripes

Seido Patches (pictured on the left)
Gi Top with the patches properly placed 

For the Seido patches:  Both the circle and the rectangular patches get sewn on the left side of the gi top.  The circle patch should be placed below the left arm seam, with the plum blossom circle centered on the shoulder seam.  The rectangular patch goes on the left, front, chest area for you (or your child) … the patch should have the line at the bottom and should NOT be lined up with the seam of the jacket, but should be “readable” when the top is tied onto your child.

Advanced Stripe (pictured on the right)
Junior brown belt with a properly placed advanced stripe 

The advanced stripe for the belts should get sewn on as follows…

For juniors (those children with a white stripe in their belt): the black stripe should be positioned on the side with the white stripe running through the belt, with the circle symbol at the bottom of either end of the belt (doesn’t matter which end of the belt the advanced patch is sewn on).

For adults: follow the same directions, eliminating the “white stripe of the belt” directions. If you have doubts and would like to safety pin the stripe onto the belt and then get approval from one of the adult black belts that would be fine.  This patch is NOT “iron on.”  Must be sewn on or, I have heard that folks use Liquid Stitch (my experience has been that the belt becomes too stiff with that method).

Get fit and don’t quit! Parents of students get a FREE MONTH of training!

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

Never Too Old for Martial Arts

Many people think that you can only start off in martial arts when you are young. Many parents see the benefits of martial arts in their children and want to get into it themselves. And why not? Martial Arts is amazing exercise for your body and your mind. It is also a fun, and rewarding hobby.

If you’re looking for a great workout, martial arts is the way to go. What makes it so great is that you are burning calories and the exercise is always new and interesting. Think about it: day after day, lifting weights and doing the same exercises over and over is boring. With martial arts, you are always being challenged to learn something different and exciting. And with various degrees of skill level, you always have something to work for.

If you are someone who has a hard time focusing on one thing, martial arts can help. Martial arts helps develop focus and discipline. Constant practice of something through repetitious movement and breathing exercises helps increase our discipline. It takes a lot of concentration to be able to focus learning one thing for a long period of time and martial arts helps strengthen our ability to concentrate.

Martial arts is also fun. Who doesn’t get a kick (pun intended) out of learning some cool, new martial arts technique? It’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Doing martial arts with the family is another great way to have fun and spend time with your loved ones.

So, if martial arts is starting to sound fun to you, then give us a call! At the Pamfilis Karate Academy, we are always looking for new members to join our martial arts family.

Get fit and don’t quit! Parents of students get a FREE MONTH of training! For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at

Adult Classes Available at the Best Karate School in the Area

Are you a bit envious of your child’s karate classes? The high-intensity environment is great for physical development, such as core strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity – and it joins together with self-defense skills, self-confidence, and a high regard for general well-being.

Luckily, you can achieve those same goals – at the very same time your child is taking his or her class!

A lot of parents are simply waiting around for their children to finish. However, we are proud to offer a 1-month free training to these parents. There is no risk or obligation for parents who want to give training a shot at the best karate school in the area: Pamfillis Karate Academy within the Towson facility of the Merritt Athletic Club.

You can learn Seido Karate, a Japanese style of karate that is grounded in tradition. From physical to emotional strength, you can see for yourself what the excitement is all about!

Contact us at 410-499-2476 or to learn more about the 1-month free training offer for parents. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

Please note that there are plenty of opportunities for your child(ren) coming up as well! Take a look at our upcoming summer programs:

•Three 1-week long summer day camps for children ages 6-15. Along with traditional karate, children will have conditioning, meditation, anti-bullying, arts and crafts, and more. Half-day and full-day options are available.

•A 6-week summer program for beginning students of all ages. For one low price that includes a uniform and promotion to the next level, students can attend classes twice a week for one hour.

Take advantage of these offers today! We look forward to seeing you at Pamfillis Karate Academy!