Never Too Old for Martial Arts

Many people think that you can only start off in martial arts when you are young. Many parents see the benefits of martial arts in their children and want to get into it themselves. And why not? Martial Arts is amazing exercise for your body and your mind. It is also a fun, and rewarding hobby.

If you’re looking for a great workout, martial arts is the way to go. What makes it so great is that you are burning calories and the exercise is always new and interesting. Think about it: day after day, lifting weights and doing the same exercises over and over is boring. With martial arts, you are always being challenged to learn something different and exciting. And with various degrees of skill level, you always have something to work for.

If you are someone who has a hard time focusing on one thing, martial arts can help. Martial arts helps develop focus and discipline. Constant practice of something through repetitious movement and breathing exercises helps increase our discipline. It takes a lot of concentration to be able to focus learning one thing for a long period of time and martial arts helps strengthen our ability to concentrate.

Martial arts is also fun. Who doesn’t get a kick (pun intended) out of learning some cool, new martial arts technique? It’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Doing martial arts with the family is another great way to have fun and spend time with your loved ones.

So, if martial arts is starting to sound fun to you, then give us a call! At the Pamfilis Karate Academy, we are always looking for new members to join our martial arts family.

Get fit and don’t quit! Parents of students get a FREE MONTH of training! For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at