Kick it Up a Notch with a Karate Birthday Party

Is your child looking for an awesome place to have a birthday? He or she tired of the run of the mill birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese? Well, then why not try a Karate Birthday Party?

What on Earth is a karate birthday party you ask?  Karate birthday parties are parties that feature all the fun of a normal birthday party, but spiced up with fun karate themed activities! It’s a great way to get your kids invloved in something new and allow everyone to, child or parent, to have some fun.

So, what kind of kick butt activities can you expect from a karate birthday party? Well, of course, we feature a lot of fun karate themed activities that try to get the whole group (that means you too parents) involved in practicing karate. From your standard kicks to punches and maybe a few special moves thrown in as well.

Of course, it should be noted, nothing dangerous will ever be attempted at these parties. We’re not going to give your child a samurai sword and tell him to reenact his favorite cartoon fight. All activites are safe and will be monitored by adult supervision.

And what would a party be without cake? After all activities are done and everyone is ready to settle down, there will be time for cake and a chance for everyone to relax.

If this sounds like the right fit for your child’s birthday party, then stop on by our webpage and contact us today!

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at


Respect, love and obedience…and fish.

Everything you do, all that you are, is based on acceptance and peace. To experience these things, we have to become aware of our relationships. In a simple social experiment, two test groups were made to examine a fish tank and talk about it. The first group was comprised of all Americans. The second group was from Japan. When the Americans spoke about what they saw, they described, in great detail, the fish. When the Japanese spoke, they not only described the fish, but they spoke about the relationship between the fish, the water, the tank, even the surrounding environment. They saw the entire picture.

When you look at yourself and do things only to please yourself, you’re staring at the fish. When you put your love and energy into others, you experience life on a greater scale. As people around you feel that you respect how they feel, they give you more respect than you can give yourself. The same rule applies to obedience. By taking the focus off of yourself you have served two people. You have served the other person, AND you have served yourself.

Embodying this lesson will allow you to experience relationships that are always beneficial. It will allow you to experience it at home, school, and work. It will allow your kids to experience it with family or with new kids at the play ground. The reach that love and respect have are simply uncanny. Take time to learn how to show just a little respect to those you know once a day. You’ll have a much greater impact that you could possibly think.

Our summer programs are available now!

1-week long summer day camps for children ages 6-15, full-day with a half-day option. (Enjoy arts and crafts, sports conditioning, meditation, children’s self-defense, anti-bullying information, and of course, traditional karate.)

The full-day option is ideal for working parents, and the half-day is great for parents on a budget or for younger children.

Merritt members: $300 full day, $175 half day.

Non-Merritt members: $325 full day, $200 half day.

For more information or to register, call Kyoshi Karen at 410-499-2476 or email at